Celebrities Speak Out.
When celebrities speak, people listen which breaks down the stigma of seeking help. Counselling is for everyone, you don't need to be a celebrity. if you are struggling - contact me - i can help with Couple issues, individuals, adolescents. You do not need to struggle alone...
According to research collated in 2017 one in four of us are suffering with mental health problems in the UK at any one time. Depression is now seen as the leading cause of disability in the world.
Raising awareness has been helped by the 'World Health Organisation's World Mental Health Day.
Each year holds a different theme to raise awareness and reduce stigma.
In 2017 the focus was on raising awareness in the Work Place and offered resources and even case studies which all helped to highlight the positives of being mentally healthy - which is indeed beneficial for employers as well as employees.

Kesha is a fabulous artist, and this was evidenced in the 2016 trailblazer Award where she chose to speak out about her struggles with crippling anxiety and struggles with an eating disorder amongst other issues.

The headlines (July 2018) inform the world that Demi Lovato has taken a drugs overdose. Fortunately she was found and rushed to hospital and survived. In 2016 she spoke of historical self-harming and struggles with an eating disorder. Her willingness to speak openly helps to break down barriers and overcome the stigma around these issues.

In 2014/15 the very talented Selena Gomez learned she had been suffering with Lupus. Her symptoms of depression, anxiety and panic attacks were enmeshed among her other symptoms so weren't identified immediately.

Famous for the film Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds experienced intense bouts of anxiety - saying the workload of the success and expectation was 'eating him alive' saying it was the love and support of his wife Blake for keeping him sane.